
Showing posts from May, 2024

What is a shocking fact about ancient Egypt?

 Here are some shocking facts about ancient Egypt ¹ ²: - *Cleopatra probably invented the first vibrator*: Cleopatra filled a box with angry bees and then placed it against her genitals for pleasure. The buzzing of angry bees inside the box created a vibrator-like sensation that she used for masturbation. - *Ancient Egyptians used a combination of powders derived from ox hooves, ashes, burnt eggshells and pumice on their teeth and gums*: Ancient Egyptians used this combination of powders to protect the teeth from hygiene issues. - *Crocodiles were sacrificed and mummified as an offering to the Gods*: Ancient Egyptians captured crocodiles, killed them and mummified them as a sacrifice to the Gods. - *Abortion was considered a form of contraception*: Ancient Egyptians used a variety of methods to induce an abortion, which was considered just another way to avoid having children. - *Ancient Egyptian women peed on barley to test for pregnancy*: Women would pee on barley and wheat seeds

Today’s Google Doodle Celebrates The Best Breakfast Food, Chilaquiles

  Today's Google Doodle celebrates chilaquiles, a traditional Mexican breakfast dish ¹. Chava Oropesa, an Oakland-based artist, created the Google Doodle ². Here are some details about chilaquiles and the Google Doodle ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵: *What is Chilaquiles?* - A Mexican breakfast dish made with fried corn tortillas, salsa, and cheese. - Can be served with eggs, beans, and avocado. - Can be customized with different salsas and toppings like sour cream, guacamole, or chorizo. *Google Doodle* - Illustrated by Oakland-based guest artist Chava Oropesa. - Features the beloved Mexican breakfast dish chilaquiles, which means “chilis and greens” in the Aztec language Nahuatl. - Uses Mexican pink, or Rosa Mexicano, a color synonymous with Mexican culture. - Incorporates a Talavera plate, a traditional Mexican ceramic, and cut tortillas into letters and fry them, a creative twist that adds depth and texture to the artwork. *History of Chilaquiles* - Born out of resourcefulness, people began cut

The Japanese were much worse than they are portrayed in the movies, especially in the war they were at their worst.

  That's a valid point. The Japanese military's actions during World War II, particularly in Asia and the Pacific, were often brutal and inhumane. While movies and media often focus on the atrocities committed by the Nazis, the Japanese military's crimes against humanity are less well-known, but equally horrific. Some examples include: 1. The Nanking Massacre (1937): Japanese troops killed an estimated 150,000-300,000 civilians and prisoners of war in China's capital city. 2. Forced labor and internment: Millions of people, including prisoners of war and civilians, were forced into labor camps and subjected to harsh conditions. 3. Comfort women: Thousands of women, mostly from Korea and China, were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military. 4. Biological and chemical warfare: The Japanese military conducted experiments and attacks using biological and chemical agents, causing widespread suffering and death. 5. Mass executions and massacres: Japanese troops